Hofstra STEM+C Project
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STEM+C is an exciting program funded by the National Science Foundation that is designed to teach students how to solve problems in their science classes using the tools of computational thinking and coding.

Hofstra University's STEM+C project is a collaboration between faculty in computer science, psychology, education, business, and natural science and teachers from six school districts in Nassau County, New York to develop, test, and disseminate a computationally enhanced Living Environment biology curriculum.

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation, Award #1742373 Investigating the Impact of a Sustainable Computer Modeling Curriculum on Mastery of Core Biology Concepts and Computational Thinking in Secondary School Students

Project Highlights


Integration of computational thinking into the high school biology curriculum by teaching students to code apps to solve biology problems and model biological processes.


Studying the impact of the computationally enhanced curriculum on student mastery of biology and attitudes toward careers in computation and STEM.


Creating and disseminating curriculum materials that can be used by other teachers who want to introduce their students to computational thinking in the context of biology.


Students are learning to code using MIT App Inventor, an intuitive, block programming environment that allows anyone to build fully functional apps for tablets and smartphones.